Work-life balance. Or, more appropriately, life-work balance.
We all want it. We know we need it. We believe it’s important. Yet, it feels like trying to balance a glass of red wine on a spinning top… without spilling a drop. Ambitious? Yes. Impossible? Not quite.
Per Harold Kushner, “No one ever said on their deathbed, ‘I wish I’d spent more time at the office.’”
How many times have you caught yourself saying, “I wish I had more time for myself,” or “If only there were more hours in a day?” Have you ever stopped and wondered… why?
- Define Your ‘Happy’
Before you can find balance, you must understand what makes your heart sing… and what makes it sink.
Why it’s on the list: If you don’t know what fills your cup, how can you make sure to keep it from running empty?
Concerns: Be mindful not to compare your happiness to someone else’s. Remember, everyone’s dance is different.
- Prioritize, Not Sacrifice
Think of your tasks like jellybeans… some are sweet, some are sour, and some… well, taste like gym socks.
Why it’s on the list: Choosing which tasks to tackle can be as crucial as choosing the right job.
Concerns: Be careful not to kick out all the less-than-tasty beans. Sometimes, they lead to the sweetest rewards.
- Boundaries: The Ultimate Electric Fence
If you wouldn’t let a raccoon rummage through your kitchen, why let work emails invade your evening?
Why it’s on the list: Guarding your time can recharge your energy.
Concerns: Remember, it’s not about shutting people out but creating space for what matters most.
- Flex Those Flexibility Muscles
Sometimes the moving boat shifts beneath you. Can you sway with it?
Why it’s on the list: A rigid stance can lead to more tumbles. Embrace change as part of the rhythm.
Concerns: Too much flexibility, and you may find yourself feeling pulled in all directions.
- Digital Detox: Not Just a Fancy Phrase
Ever thought of screens as energy vampires? Time to keep some garlic at hand…
Why it’s on the list: Pulling away from screens can re-spark creativity.
Concerns: Moderation is key. Avoid going cold turkey if it’ll spike your stress levels.
- Self-care: More Than Bubble Baths
Sure, who doesn’t love a good soak? But sometimes self-care is a quiet walk, a chat with a friend, or… dare I say, chocolate?
Why it’s on the list: Refreshing your mind, body, and spirit is akin to re-tuning a musical instrument.
Concerns: Avoid the trap of commercialized self-care. It’s not always about buying; sometimes, it’s just about being.
- Reflect and Adjust: The Dance is Never Static
Ever noticed how a dance floor has its ebb and flow? So does life. Periodically stop. Look around. Change your steps if needed.
Why it’s on the list: What worked yesterday might not work tomorrow.
Concerns: Avoid over-analyzing to the point of paralysis. Reflect, but then act.
The pursuit of work-life balance isn’t a one-size-fits-all jig. It’s a dynamic tango tailored just for you. Remember, the aim isn’t perfection, but progress… and maybe a few dips and twirls along the way.
Need some backup? Our career coaching services are here to help you find your rhythm and perfect those steps.